The advertising for our Summer Internship went out to various listservs on February 24. There’s still time to apply!
The UCLA Library Preservation Department is offering a pre-program internship for qualified students who are preparing to apply for Masters-level conservation programs. (Those currently inconservation programs may also be considered). This internship will provide experience inconservation decision making, treatment, documentation, and enclosures for library and archival collections. The conservation intern will work under the supervision of the head of the lab to stabilize library and archive materials for research use, exhibit, and digitization. Treatments will depend on prior experience. Relevant literature will be reviewed prior to conservation treatment, and all projects will be documented. Interns will have a chance to blog on their work, and make a historic binding model for their portfolio. Application deadline is April 17, 2015
The UCLA Library Preservation Department supports the Library’s mission to develop, organize, and preserve collections for optimal use. The Preservation Department provides stewardship for the intellectual record in the formats required by contemporary scholars and ensures the safekeeping of the artifacts that are entrusted to the UCLA Library. The Preservation Department includes the Library Conservation Center (LCC), a state-of-the-art conservation lab that providesconservation services collections in all units of the UCLA Library. The LCC is guided by the best current practices of the book and paper conservation field and the Code of Ethics of the American Institute for the Conservation of Artistic and Historic works.
These internships are 75% FTE (30 hours/week) for an eight week period, with a flexible start date from July 1 to September 16 and an hourly salary rate of $15.19 per hour.
Interns will be hired as Limited Appointment employees and will be eligible for UCLA Core level benefits. There are strong rare book resources in the greater Los Angeles area, including The Getty Research Center, The Clark Library and the Huntington Library, as well as a vibrant book arts community.
Please submit a letter of interest, a current resume, and contact information for three professional references to:
Consuela (Chela) Metzger
Head, Library Conservation Center
UCLA Library Conservation Center
11000 Kinross Ave., #111
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7230
Phone: 310-794-1566
(electronic applications welcome, please send to <cmetzger at library dot ucla dot edu>
Application deadline is April 17, 2015
The UCLA Library is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ADA-compliant employer. Under federal law, the University of California may employ only individuals who are legally authorized to work in the United States as established by providing documents specified in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.